LPBC Bible Studies
Join us for the enriching Bible studies at LPBC! Delve into the timeless wisdom of the Scriptures as we explore key themes, share insights, and grow together in faith. All are welcome to this journey of spiritual discovery and community. See you there!
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 NIV
Special Events also happen throughout the year, which are designed to help connect kids and families together.
KidZone is designed especially for children ages 4 to grade 5. Actively play, learn, laugh, sing, share…all in ways that are fun and interesting that appeal to children today! The bible lesson is always applicable and understandable to them. KidZone is a fun place to learn about Jesus and to understand His love for His children! Several times a year we have special guests too! Come and explore KidZone with us!
BabyZone is a safe place for infants who need lots of cuddles and special care during the Sunday Service.
ToddlerZone is for those active wee ones (ages 2-3 years.) We combine play, stories and crafts all while learning about the love that Jesus has for each one of these children. The children will hear simple Bible stories and the basics of the Christian faith. They also begin to build special friendships while here and learn to care about their friends. Offered during the Sunday Service.
Youth/Young Adults
LPBC Youth Group
Welcome to our online youth Bible study group every Tuesday at 7:00 PM! Dive into meaningful discussions, build friendships, and grow in your faith from the comfort of your own space. No matter where you are on your journey, this is a safe and encouraging community for you. Join us as we explore the Word, share insights, and connect with God and each other. Ready to embark on this virtual adventure together? See you at our next online gathering!
Prime Timers’ Activities
Welcome to this friendly group, and we don’t ask for proof of age! This group represents many treasured friendships new and old.
The Prime Timers’ Group joins together (see specific details below):
• On the 3rd Tuesday of each month
• 12:15 p.m. bring your own sandwich unless otherwise mentioned.
• Dessert, coffee, tea, juice, and warm fellowship provided
• In the Fellowship Room
Our programs and themes vary, such as Mission presentations, birthday celebrations, aromatherapy, the “cheeses of the world,” a Seniors Choir, and a Christmas luncheon at the Mississauga Golf Club.
If you need transportation to and from the church, please contact the church at 905.278.7833.
We are inherently created to worship, and this calling is woven into the very fabric of our being. Our Sunday services are dedicated to honoring and praising God, incorporating contemporary praise songs, fresh renditions of traditional hymns, scripture readings, prayer time, and special moments of reflection. Worship invites us to focus solely on God, the audience of one, as we respond to His greatness with praise and adoration. We are called to “sing a joyful song unto the Lord” and lift His glorious name in worship.
There are various opportunities to respond to God in worship, including:
- Scripture readings and dramatic presentations
- Joining the choir
- Interpretative dance, visual art, and sharing personal testimonies
- Audio/visual and sound team contributions
Reaching and Serving Others
Thanks for your wonderful support for our Brownfield Food Grains campaign!
Engaged in Bringing Christ’s Love to Our World
Responding to world needs
- Sponsoring a refugee family
We have been blessed through our initiative to sponsor a Syrian refugee family to come to Canada and help them get established.We will promote new opportunities to assist refugees through volunteering and donor support.
- Relief and hope to refugees in Lebanon
We provide financial support for an ongoing Food Security program bringing urgent relief to Syrian refugees through food depots run by local churches in Lebanon.Consider participating in this exciting mission by joining a mission trip or donating.
- Relieving world hunger with Brownfield Alberta farmers
Our partnership with farmers at Brownfield Baptist Church in central Alberta to grow food grains for world food relief continues to inspire and motivate us! We raise the funds to rent the fields. Brownfield farmers grow and harvest the crop, with proceeds going to the Canadian Food Grains Bank. With matching government funding, the project provides up to one-half million dollars annually for world hunger relief. Share in our annual fall campaign to raise funds for this inspiring partnership ministry.
Connected in care with our local community
- Serving our neighbours in need through our Compass ministry
The Compass is a volunteer-based Christian food bank and outreach centre in Port Credit, operated by 18 participating local churches and serving those in need in South Mississauga. Support through donating or volunteering is always needed.
- Church Community Volunteers
Provides care for the community through volunteers who can help drive people to appointments, and assist the elderly and those in care facilities. Contact us about volunteering for CCV opportunities reaching beyond the Lorne Park community helps families in other countries find God, receive encouragement and tangible support. You can help too by getting involved, donating or coming to find out more about serving beyond this community. You too can make a difference in the life of a child, woman, man, family, and their future.
LPBC Partnerships:
The relief and development ministry of Canadian Baptist Ministries to which we are affiliated as a Convention Baptist Church (many opportunities for involvement)
Mission Trips
- Serving overseas includes Dominican Republic and Lebanon and assessment of other needs