Lorne Park Baptist Church seeks to be a growing and vibrant fellowship of Christian believers committed to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with everyone
We want everyone to know who Jesus truly is – not just his name, but that Jesus is God the Son, that he conquered sin and death on the cross, that His words are true, and that God desires to be in relationship with every person in the world.
As a church we want to be living examples of what it’s like to live trusting God and knowing our identity as His sons and daughters. We’re intentional in focusing everything we do to help people live from God’s presence, empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Laura, Lead Pastor
Laura’s ministry at LPBC has taken many forms since she joined the staff in 2011. She presently is the pastor at LPBC. She was previously head of LPBC’s popular KidZone program and oversaw pastoral care. Laura is a gifted pastor whose background includes work in preschool education and administration. She loves getting to apply her passion for ministry to many different areas in the life of LPBC. Laura brings unmistakable energy into practically everything she does. She is currently working on a Master of Counseling and Spiritual Care from McMaster Divinity College.

Lucy, Office Administrator
Family: Married with cats
Love: Bible study, reading, walking, shopping, and eating out
Life Statement: “Delight yourself in the Lord” (Psalm 37:4a)
”Lucy’s cheerfulness, willingness to help and responsive nature make her a constant
delight to engage with.”
– Church Council member

John, Custodian
Our Core Values
We believe in the centrality of the Word of God. The Bible is essential to our Christian faith and is the standard and guide for living out our faith.
Primacy of the Local Church
We recognize the primacy of the local church and as a family of Christian believers acknowledge our individual responsibility to invest our time, talent and treasure in her ministry, motivated by a genuine desire to bring honour and praise to His name.
We are called to pursue the Great Commission in accordance with the Great Commandment. We are committed to mission that impacts our community, our country and our world. We also believe in the strategic value of networking with other like-minded churches and organizations in order to reach our world for Christ in this generation.
Holy Spirit
We depend both corporately and individually on the leading and activity of the Holy Spirit in our decision-making. We seek the Spirit’s empowering of our ministries and witness through prayer.
Personal Faith
We cherish a personal and growing experience with Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Lord at the heart of our faith. We strive for an environment which invites and draws people into faith in God, as well as nurtures and challenges those with Christian faith to push deeper in their relationship with God in humility and thanksgiving.
Gift based ministry
We believe that every believer has been given special abilities and that we experience great joy and fruitfulness when we serve others in the area of our personal giftedness. We place importance on encouraging and equipping individuals to explore and develop their giftedness in God’s service.
We are committed to the adoration and worship of God which is the core of our identity as Christians. We strive to worship God both collectively and individually in our daily living in a way that brings genuine honour and praise to Him while lifting our hearts and minds to Him in love.
We believe that every person is loved and valued by God and celebrate with love all who have chosen to be part of our church family. We recognize that there are different perspectives among us and yet encourage each of us to exercise our own Christian giftedness to the glory of God.
This We Believe: Resources for Faith With Baptist Distinctives is a Baptist Study Guide which has been prepared by the Faith and Order Committee under mandate of the Council and Assembly of the Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec. It arose out of a perceived need to define more clearly the faith that binds our family of churches together, and to provide a document of common witness and testimony in the context of our contemporary Canadian culture.