This is a very special event in the life of our church and of Pastor Laura. LPBC will host the meeting, which will be attended by voting delegates invited from all of our Toronto-area Baptist churches. Only five members from LPBC will be allowed to vote in this process, but after Laura makes her presentation based on her spiritual journey and Statement of Faith, the floor will be open to questions in which any person may participate. Following the question period, a ballot vote will be held to determine Laura’s acceptance and approval for ordination to the Christian ministry. If the vote is successful (and we are sure that it will be), a service of Ordination will be held at LPBC on Sunday, February 2 at 3:00 PM.

We warmly invite everyone to attend the Ordination Examination Council meeting this Sunday to support Pastor Laura as she takes this significant step in her Christian ministry and calling. Light refreshments will be served in the foyer after the meeting.

If you prefer to stay at the church after the morning service and wait for the 3:00 PM meeting, we encourage you to bring a sandwich for lunch. We will provide sandwiches for our African friends who are unable to prepare their own. If anyone is able to assist Wendy with setting up refreshments and cleaning up afterward, please contact her for more details.

For those who are unable to attend the OEC, the proceedings will be available via Zoom.